Prelude:2039 A.D.
Earth is dying. Homo Evolutis has already established base on Mars, finally challenging Darwinian Theory in the further evolution of Homo Sapiens. The red planet is blooming with life, while the blue one is nearing her end. A few thousand people are still left on Earth, hoping for NASA’s last attempt to revive pre-nuclear conditions after the planet witnessed a nuclear holocaust 5 years ago.

Interlude:14:25 EST, 5th June, 2039
Kennedy Space Centre, NASA, Florida
Controller 1: Latest image of SAIL coming up. It is operating with 16% battery now. 9 minutes more to be at the optimum distance of 27 million miles from Earth. Much of its parts have been damaged due to an unfortunate asteroid strike on its left wing.
Supervisor: How long can the SAIL operate? Solar flares would not be sufficient enough after few hours to focus them on Earth.
Controller 2: Not more than 8 hours. The North Pole is aligned towards the Sun during this time of year, so hopefully the impact would be high. As soon as the polar ice starts melting, its effect would start visible in the Northern Hemisphere first, followed by the Southern.
(President arrives) How are we doing? Remember, it’s not only for us, but for our Home. We are not going to leave Her. She has stood strong against evolution for the last 4.5 billion years, and it would be a pity on our part to strand Her in the cosmic vastness. We have a responsibility towards Her, towards every life form that we have threatened, towards the rarest phenomenon of Life itself. So, do whatever you can, but get it done. History would be proud to imprint you all for this remarkable glory that you all will achieve together!!
(Jostle settling down gradually..)
Controller 2: Manually fixing SAIL’s position now. The orbital influence of Venus is minimal, solar flares have begun to proliferate.

Controller 1: Earth’s rotation is at 919 miles/hr. Taking control of SAIL’s external blades now. The propulsion seems steady, lets terraform Mother Earth again!!
Postlude(15 Days later):09:00 EST, 20th June, 2039
(President’s speech begins) Good morning Earthlings!! It’s a time of jollification. With Nature’s blessings and NASA’s grinding work, we have restored Earth’s climate as it was few years ago. The team will soon be releasing the latest pic of our planet. Clouds have begun to swirl, moving across the globe spanning oceans and continents, and temperature and air currents would soon be normal. Together as a species, we have hurt Earth to an unimaginable extent, and yet She never complained. Like a mother usually does, She was ready to sacrifice herself for us.
The choice was ours, either to betray and leave Her like Evolutis or pull our socks up to revive Her, filling Her with life-forms which She has given birth to. I have seen the terraformed picture of our planet few minutes ago, nothing can be more overwhelming than to see Her lively again. Let’s take a pledge, all of us, no matter what the future stores in for humans, we will rise up every time, like faithful children, and will save our Mother every time, again and again. We are Homo Sapiens, with the only blend of emotions and intellect intact and will never ever let Her down in the testing moments like we witnessed recently. We stand for One Planet, one World, one Earth!!